• Doris Ling won the Outstanding poster presentation award, at BPRI Symposium 2023.
  • Rishabh Chandak won the ‘Outstanding Dissertation Award’ from the Department of Biomedical Engineering! Way to go Rishabh!
  • Mike Traner received a Cognitive Computational Systems Neuroscience Pathway fellowship (2018)
  • Alex Chen received the Ralph Quatrano Award for Outstanding Bachelors Thesis in Biology (2018). Well Done Alex!
  • Doris Ling received the Imaging Sciences Pathway Fellowship (2017).
  • Srinath Nizampatnam – Finalist in the competition for the James L. O’Leary Prize for Excellence in Neuroscience Research 2017!
  • Debajit Saha receives a 2-year fellowship from the McDonnell Center for Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience. Well done Deb! (August 2015).
  • Haoyang Rong receives a 2-year Imaging Science Pathway fellowship (August 2015). Congrats Hao!
  • Nalin Katta receives a Center for Biological and Systems Engineering Scholarship (August 2015). Congrats Nalin!
  • Nathan King received a 2 year Imaging Science Pathway fellowship (August 2014). Congrats Nate!
  • Chao Li received a Center for Biological and Systems Engineering Scholarship (August 2014). Congrats Chao!
  • Paper published in the Dec. 2013 issue of Nature Neuroscience as a Cover article
  • Barani Raman received the Wolfgang Gopel Award from the International Society for Olfaction and Chemical Sensing, in May 2011.

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